Due to an external disruption with the vendor that provides Kronos, the University’s electronic timekeeping system, employees are currently not able to use Kronos to report their time.
The University is in communication with vendor UKG as it works to resolve the situation. Additionally, representatives from Human Resources, Business and Financial Services, Academic Personnel, Enterprise Technology Services, and other units are working with departmental payroll managers to implement processes to ensure employee hours are recorded accurately and employee paychecks are issued on schedule.
Employees can expect the payroll managers in their respective departments to contact them and provide guidance on how they should report their time until the Kronos system is operational again, which could take several weeks.
According to UKG, the disruption, caused by a cyberattack, is affecting service to many Kronos customers in addition to the University. While the service is disrupted, however, no UCOP or UC Santa Barbara systems have been affected.
Questions about timekeeping procedures should be directed to departmental payroll managers. Information and updates about the outage can be found on the UCSB Systems Health Dashboard.