TO: Campus Community
FR: Margaret Klawunn, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
RE: Pronoun Functionality Added to Campus Systems
The Division of Student Affairs and the UCSB Trans Task Force are excited to announce that beginning September 13, 2019, students will be able to indicate their pronouns in the Gaucho On-Line Data (GOLD) system, which will then be displayed in eGrades and GauchoSpace. Pronouns are words used in place of someone’s name when a person is referred to in the third person. This new functionality will result in pronouns showing up on course rosters in eGrades and GauchoSpace, so students are being referred to by the correct pronouns.
Students can specify their pronouns by going into GOLD and choosing one of the following options from a drop-down list in the “Pronouns” section (below the “Preferred Name” section) on the “My Personal Info” section of GOLD:
- He/Him/His
- She/Her/Hers
- They/Them/Theirs
- Ze/Hir/Hirs
- I do not use a pronoun
- Other, please ask
- I use all gender pronouns
Once students have selected a pronoun, this information will show up on course rosters in eGrades and GauchoSpace for faculty, instructors, lecturers, TAs, and other students to use the correct pronouns when referring to students. All students are encouraged to indicate their pronouns in GOLD.
This change comes in response to longtime advocacy from students and the Trans Task Force to reduce the frequency of students having incorrect pronouns used to refer to them in classrooms and other learning environments. The UCSB Gender Recognition Act Task Force provided their support for launching this initiative as part of UCSB’s commitment to making our campus welcoming for all members of our community, including transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students. The right of students to designate pronouns is protected by Title IX, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and UC System-wide discrimination and harassment policies.
This is the first phase of adding pronouns to university systems with possible future phases adding pronoun information to more campus systems and providing pronoun options for faculty and staff.
For more information, please visit the following resources:
Registrar Pronouns Site
RCSGD Pronouns Site
Pronouns Information Sessions
The UCSB Trans Task Force is excited to announce that students now have the option to go into GOLD and select their pronouns for course rosters and GauchoSpace! Pronouns are used in everyday speech and writing to take place of people's names. Using the right pronouns is so important in making our campus more welcoming for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people. In this information session, we will be having a crash course on pronouns and ways to implement pronouns into your work.
Thursday, October 24 | 1 to 1:30 p.m. | Library 1312
Tuesday, October 29 | 3 to 3:30 p.m. | Library 1312