Availability and Access
Promapp is available to all UCSB staff.
Students can interact with published process maps by signing into Promapp with their UCSBNetID.
If a student would like to create and edit process maps, they can email it-support-promapp@ucsb.edu to get information.
We have been using Promapp since November 2019. Over time, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt practitioners and project teams working on business transformation efforts have been using Promapp to capture current state business processes.
As of Fall 2022, we are spreading the word about the availability of Promapp, and beginning to offer registration for Promapp training via the UC Learning Center.
There is no cost for getting a Promapp account.
If you would like to create and edit process maps, you’ll need to complete instructor-led training.
This training includes the basics of creating and editing process maps with Promapp, an introduction to process mapping best practices, and a walkthrough of Promapp advanced features.
Once the training is complete, you can create and edit maps for your area, and you can view maps from across UC Santa Barbara.
“Users” can view and interact with published process content.
“Business Analysts” can create and edit process maps.
There is no fee for training for UCSB staff.
There is no training needed for the “User” level access in Promapp.
The Navigating Mini-mode Links video provides a quick introduction for anyone who has not used Promapp before.
Training is provided on a monthly basis, but additional sessions can be provided as needed. Email it-support-promapp@ucsb.edu for more information.
You can register for training via the UC Learning Center using this link.
Privacy and Security
You can share draft or in-progress maps in two different ways: 1) You can email a process link or 2) You can share a mini-mode link.
When you share a draft or in-progress map, the person(s) you share it with can interact with the map and provide feedback.
Once a process has been published, anyone can view it who has the link.
All of the published process maps are available to view by anyone with the link.
If needed, we can restrict access at the folder level for any processes that are considered sensitive or confidential in nature.
All of the published process maps are currently available to view by anyone with the link.
We can restrict access at the folder level, but we prefer to keep access relatively open so that people don’t create process maps that have already been documented by another group.
Access to process maps can be controlled at a folder level.
Unless otherwise specified, once a process map has been created, anyone with Business Analyst access could see it in a list of search results.
Additional Questions
Only one process expert can be specified per process.
You can add additional process approvers using the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed) section.
Yes, there are two ways to import process information into Promapp.
You can import process text, or you can import from a file (Visio, XML, iGrafx).
The maps documented in Promapp are growing over time as more people use the tool for documenting their processes.
You can search Promapp using keywords to see if the content you’re interested in has already been mapped.
The UCPath HR and Payroll teams have been working on documenting central office processes.
Many maps have been created to support the Concur implementation.