Qualtrics is a web-based collection tool used to conduct surveys, analyze responses, and perform data research activities. UCSB faculty, students, staff, lecturers, and career researchers can access a Qualtrics campus license for research and educational purposes.
Qualtrics features include:
- Survey build and design capabilities
- Data collection, analysis, and management
- Real-time reporting
- Image, video, and rich media supporting
- API access
- File upload
- Offline mobile app
- Screen-out reporting
- Tableau integration
Additionally, users receive Single Sign-On (SSO) - integrated access and access to UCSB branding, Qualtrics centralized support, and vendor support.
Request Information
Complete the Qualtrics license form here.
With a campus license, access Qualtrics at ucsb.qualtrics.com with your UCSBNetID and password.
Special Considerations
The Qualtrics tool has been assessed and approved for P1-P3 applications only. Consult ITS Information Security for Protection Level 4 use cases.
For centralized support, email qualtrics@bap.ucsb.edu or visit ServiceNow
For vendor support, email support@qualtrics.com or call 1-800-340-9194
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Not applicable.