UCPath/Timekeeping Support

Timekeeping is the process of tracking and reporting hours worked and leave time taken. On campus, Electronic Timekeeping was implemented to replace paper-based, legacy timekeeping systems and processes.

Kronos is workforce management software used at UC Santa Barbara to track employee time and attendance.

To login to UCPath Portal use your Single Sign On (SSO) UCSBNetID. The URL is: https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu

  1. If you can log in to the Box service at ucsb.box.com, you should be able to log in to UCPath.
  2. If you are unable to log into UCPath or Box, you may need to reset your UCSBNetID password. Contact the IT Services Help Desk at ucsb.service-now.com/it or call (805) 893-5000 (x5000).
  3. Your UCSBNetID can be managed at im.ucsb.edu/idm/manage, however, the page requires your UCPath employee ID.

To view more FAQs concerning Kronos Timekeeping, please visit the UCSB Electronic Timekeeping website, or https://www.timekeeping.ucsb.edu/frequently-asked-questions

To view more FAQS concerning UCPath, please visit the UCSB UCPath website, or https://www.ucpath.ucsb.edu/frequently-asked-questions.


ITS ServiceDesk and Campus Operator

You can contact the Service Desk in the following ways:

  • Portal Chat: Using the message icon in the bottom right corner of the IT Service Catalog, you can chat directly with the Service Desk for quick responses.
  • Phone: Call (805) 893-5000.
  • Online: Submit a ticket using the "Report a Problem" form in the IT Service Catalog, found here.

When contacting the Service Desk, please provide as much detail as possible to help us assist you effectively. The Service Desk operates between the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM, Monday through Friday.

If you are a student, please utilize the LSIT Help page at help.lsit.ucsb.edu or call (805) 893-HELP (x4357), between 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. 

If you've forgotten your password, or want to update it, you can change it using the UCSB Identity Manager. To do so, you'll need to sign in as an employee, student, extension student, or affiliate and answer the secret questions initially set up when activating your UCSB NetID. Always use the Identity Manager for password management to ensure all campus systems, both internal and external, are updated. Avoid changing or resetting your UCSB NetID password on any other website, as any changes made may not reflect across all campus systems.


End User Computing Support

  1. Connect to UCSB Wireless Web
  2. Open the login page
  3. If you aren’t prompted to do this automatically, open a browser (e.g. Safari/Chrome/Firefox/Edge) and you should be redirected.  Or attempt to navigate to and you should be redirected.
  4. Click “Guest Registration” near the bottom.
  5. Enter your name, email, and phone number and click “Accept Network Policy and Continue.”
  6. You will receive a text message with your login information to the phone number provided.
  7. On the webpage, click “Return to Login Page” near the bottom.
  8. Enter your email address and password provided in the text message, then click “Accept Network Policy and Login”.
  9. Browse the internet as normal.

Note: If you're using an iPhone and the login page "won't stop refreshing", turn off mobile data.

To set up DUO on one device, please follow the PDF guide here, or view the guide on the UCSB ITS website, found here.

To enroll a secondary device, for use in the event that your primary device is inaccessible, please follow the guide on the UCSB ITS website, found here.

If you have recently purchased a new phone, but retained your phone number, please follow this guide to enroll your new device.

For more detailed information about DUO and Multi-Factor Authentication at UCSB, please visit www.it.ucsb.edu/mfa.